Happy New Year! I wanted to share my new year resolve with you, plus lessons I’ve learned from 2020.
Doing less to make it mean more
As a mom & entrepreneur I’m a chronic multi-tasker. I’m constantly doing too many things at once to try and accomplish more. But this ultimately leads to fatigue, kills my creativity, and detracts from my ability to accomplish a task well. Instead I want to prioritize my top three important tasks for the day, and tackle each, one at a time.
It also means not adding too much on my plate. Creating margin for rest, time to dream, plan & reflect. I can’t fill others cups, when mine is empty! I have learned the hard way by pushing myself too hard, too fast, for too long, and it ultimately leads to burnout.
Setting healthy boundaries for work/life is crucial. Practicing a weekly sabbath is something I’ve practiced over the last year to help me slow down. My goal this year is to consistatnly take a rest day every week to avoid burn out.

Getting quiet in a loud, busy world
It is takes intention and discipline to quiet my mind. Taking time first thing each day to quietly sit, spend time praying & getting my head & my heart aligned with where the Lord has me for that day.
Setting aside 1 day each week to sabbath. To rest, to turn my phone off, unplug from the noise, to be present & spend quality time as a family, to enjoy simple pleasures.
“Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands” 1 Thessalonians 4:11
I love this verse as a reminder of how I want to live my life. When the world seems so get so noisy and the speed of things gets too quick, for me to just get quiet and put my hands to something like working on my home, cooking for my family, or creating something, to rest my soul.
Finding contentment with what I have
FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real thing, especially working in fashion & being an influencer! Constantly being bombarded with “needing” the next latest & greatest thing. If I’m not careful it can be easy to find myself wanting more, or being discontent with what I do have. But when I truly appreciate all that I have & have been given, it’s easier to be content and not feel the need to add more “stuff” to my life.
Looking too much to the left & to the right, at what others have, or are doing, can also be a slippery slope for me. Ultimetly leading to feelings of discontentment & envy. This usually happens when I am not spending time getting quiet, praying, reading my bible & seeking wisdom, choosing to hustle & not rest, and not being a good steward of my time, and spending too much time on social media.
Here are a few habits I have added to my daily routine to help set me up for success with my resolve…
- Wake up early (5:30) before my family, so I can do my morning routine
- Drink 8 oz of water first thing
- Read my bible & pray for 15-30 minutes
- Move my body to feel my best & get those endorphins (walk, run, yoga, stretching, weight train)
- Turn off “work” from 5-8pm to enjoy dinner & time as a family
- Clean up the kitchen & living spaces before I turn in for the night
- Write down & prioritize my day for the next day
- Read 15+ minutes to end the day
- Practice a Sabbath 1 day each week
I’m a firm believer that when you take time to reflect and actually write down your goals, dreams & plans you are much more likely to stick to them and have success. Also sharing them with someone, your spouse, a friend, or family member, helps keep you accountable and more likely to follow through on your promises to yourself.
My hope for this new year is to live more simply, more quietly, more contently, in order to truly be present & appreciate the beauty of this life I have been given. As a wife, a mother, a business owner, a sister & friend.

If you are looking for a great life planner to help keep you organized, I highly recommend this one! I have used it the past three years and it keeps all aspects of my busy life as a mom & business owner organized (daily, weekly, monthly, meal planning, to-do lists, notes & journaling).
For more easy tips to live simply & create a life giving home, make sure you are following me on Instagram.
Learn how to simplify your wardrobe HERE
If you are looking for a new daily devotional to read HERE are my favorites.