I wanted to share my favorite clean makeup and skin care products in case you are looking to make the switch to safer, non-toxic products.
Over the past 8 years I have been contantly reading, researching, and testing out different clean, non-toxic beauty products after my eyes were opened to all the harmful chemicals and additives that were in my everyday makeup and skin care products. The products that I was using at the time were affecting my health, (skin issues, infertility, inflammation, lack of energy, and hormone imbalances). Everything that we put on our skin goes directly into our blood stream! Hearing this was what really made me aware of what I was putting on my skin, and how it was affecting my health and future self.
Fast forward 4 years, and I was introduced to Beauty Counter through a friend, and I tried a few of the makeup products to see if I would really like them. And was surprised how much I LOVED everything. I loved how my makeup actaully stayed in place all day, and wasn’t causing my skin to break out or have sensitivity issues like I had had in the past with other products. And I have been using many of these products ever since and continue to try more.
Here are the skin care products I use and love daily…

Everyday Makeup

I hope these tips and product recommendations are helpful for you if you are looking to make to the switch to cleaner, safer beauty products. Even if you just start by changing 1-2 products at a time to safer ones, is a great place to start. It can seem over whelming at first, but that is a great place to start!
This post is in no way sponsored, I just really love these products and have seen the felt the results on my skin first hand. And I love to be able to share products that I am using and loving with my friends!
To see my everyday makeup routine, follow me on Instagram where I shared my full face makeup tutorial in my stories, using all of these products!
I would love to hear what products you use and love?! Leave me a comment below or send me an email with your questions to…closetcurating@gmail.com.